Lakehead Aeromodellers

Lakehead Aeromodellers Club flying site is located on Highway 130.

We currently have a 2 year lease with the land owner of our flying field

Lakehead Aeromodellers is proud to be supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Open flying at the field for qualified pilots, with current M.A.A.C. or A.M.A. is encouraged at any time! M.A.A.C. (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada) provides insurance coverage and membership in this organization is mandatory prior to flying at our field, as we are a sanctioned club. Please visite the M.A.A.C. website for more information. Spectators and prospective members are welcome at all times! All pilots must be aware of and follow the Field Rules at all times


Other Documents

Membership Form, 
Lakehead Aeromodellers Wings Program,
MAAC Wings Program
MAAC Blades Program, 

Radio Controlled Aircraft

Radio Control aircraft, Fixed wing and Helicopters, are as varied as the people that fly them; each with their own idiosyncrasies.

The Lakehead Aeromodellers, a group dedicated the enjoyment of R.C. flying has a history dating back 30 plus years.

The type of aircraft recommended for a Beginner, should be a High Wing, Flat Bottom, Tricycle Landing Gear type, which allows for gentler Ground and Flight handling characteristics.

All four Flight controls, Aileron, Rudder, Elevator and Throttle are recommended, although Rudder, Elevator and Throttle types, with proper Dihedral are satisfactory at the Beginner level.

A .40ci displacement Engine will satisfy most Trainer aircraft power requirements, and as skills improve allow for further use in more advanced types. Electric powered Aircraft/Helicopters require Electric motors/Batteries sized to the Model Radio systems include Transmitter, Receiver, Battery Pack, Switch Harness and Servos choice is up to the Flyer with many options offered by the industry.

A Radio system should be purchased with the future in mind as different Aircraft may require additional Controls, such as Flaps, split Ailerons, split Elevators etc. plus multiple Aircraft may be flown using the same Transmitter, if, the Radio system includes additional Model memory capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much?

 Beginners packages both Powered and Electric may range from $150 to $600 dollars.

Some manufacturers offer A.R.F. (Almost Ready to Fly) packages that include, Radio, Engine! Electric Motor! Speed Controller and Plane and take minimal building time as opposed to the Kit type build it yourself Model.

Additional items such as Fuel/Battery Packs/Battery Chargers, Starters, Glow Plugs, Field Box etc. will add to the total.

How Far?

A long way, but maintaining visual contact is highly recommended as out of sight flying is not a viable option. Larger aircraft are easier to see but may be adversely affected by wind conditions.

How long will a Flight last?

Fuel Tank/Battery Pack type and size, Speed, type of Aircraft/Helicopter and engine size are factors related to Flight time. Generally a Flight time of 15 to 20 minutes may be expected and will increase or decrease relative to the aforementioned factors. Electric powered Aircraft and Helicopters are dependent on Battery size and capacity which affect their flight duration.

For more information contact Archie Gribben: 939-1056